About us

Cancel Kouture is a fashion brand with an unapologetic twist, founded by Igor Novikov, a former advisor to President Zelensky. We understand that fashion is more than just clothes; it's a statement, a reflection of our times. That's why we've infused our brand with humor, giving a voice to those who won't be silenced. Cancel culture may be a divisive issue, but we believe that fashion should unite us. With Cancel Kouture, we celebrate free speech and individuality. Our clothes are more than just a way to cover your body; they're a way to express yourself, your values, and your identity. Whether you're a rebel, a disruptor, or a free thinker, we've got you covered. From our statement tees to our edgy accessories, Cancel Kouture is your go-to brand for style that's as unique as you are. Join us as we challenge the status quo, break the mold, and redefine fashion for a new generation.